Does it strike you that America has become a Walmart with no employees and no security but the doors are open? What other country allows border crossings to steal jobs? What other country allows currency imbalances of up to 40% that results in jobs leaving the country? What other country allows its oil and gas to be plundered for less than market rates to be sold back to its citizens for $4 a gallon? What other country allows its middle class to be plundered to make sure China and India are happy?
It is a yard sale with the owner permanently at lunch. Arianna Huffington has it right; we are a third world country. The analogies are plain. Whether it is blood diamonds in Africa, Bauxite in Jamaica, or rain forest timber in Malaysia, we are allowing our country to be similarly plundered. And this all at the expense of the American public.
Turbo Tax Timmy has all the right causes and in fact seems to understand them. With understanding a backbone does not come. It is time to stop this nonsense and return to a modicum of nationalism that can restore our pride and more importantly restore our economy and the middle class. Ask yourself; Does China or Germany allow the rest of the world to strip their resources? Of course not! And guess which countries are doing "just fine" in this worldwide downturn.
America is a country not a yard sale. Our priorities should be to Americans not to "the world". While I agree that these problems are not the doing of President Obama, he is the President when we have reached the tipping point and must actually do something to stop the wholesale destruction of this nation and for the good of the world. America must take its place as the consumer for the world and not the yard sale for the world. It is time!!!
Please visit savingpontiac.org for more of the facts.
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