The Fritz Henderson episode is really quite interesting. GM for the first time in a very long time appears to have some adult supervision. Ed Whitacre will change at least the Senior management view of the world at GM. Can he cause the focused and profit motivated message to waft through the halls of middle management and on the shop floor to occur in time will be the test.
This is a true test of how to change a culture with a culture that does not want to change. It is a project of monumental proportions and truly the only chance for the Detroit icon to continue to exist. Can Whitacre do it? We will see. Savingpontiac.org is rooting for him because with logical thinking (as opposed to GM thinking) it is likely that Pontiac can be broken free and reintroduced to the public as a vehicle for creating jobs and helping the economy recover (which also helps GM) rather than being buried 6 feet under with all the productive assets. Let's watch this unfold!!
Thanks, as always to all our followers!
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