Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Another Plant is gone
Well, General Motors closed another plant today (see 3.4 Million square feet of a facility where Pontiacs could be built. Each of the readers here are, as Taxpayers, the owners of that plant and the Pontiac Brand. Is this is the use you want them used for? To sit idle when thousands of jobs could be created almost overnight?
Please make sure you have signed our petition.
Have a Great Wednesday.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A little late today

September 29, 2009
Mr. Thomas A. Schatz
President, Citizens Against Government Waste
Dear Mr. Schatz:
On behalf of the members of our organization, those that have signed our petition and the Taxpayers of the United States of America, I request that CAGW join with us to eliminate what is a waste of Taxpayer dollars by allowing the Pontiac Brand to be retired and serviceable factories to be closed or mothballed.
General Motors has received $80 Billion in Taxpayer’s funds which has resulted in the Taxpayers owning 61% of General Motors. Whether these payments were a waste can be debated for a long time and is not the point of this letter. What is to the point is that General Motors and the Treasury Department have elected to close
The Taxpayers own the Plant facilities and the Brand (at least 61%). Saving believes that with a Treasury department loan of up to $4 Billion to a New Pontiac, the Company, if run by profit, quality and customer oriented managers, could provide between 20,000 and 40,000 direct and indirect jobs Now and return to the economy and the Taxpayers as much as $50 Billion over 5 years.
The true waste is to throw away the assets that the Taxpayers own and ignore the possible upside to the economy. While $4 billion seems like a great deal of money, in perspective it truly is very little. $4 Billion is 4% of the total the Government has committed and spent on the Automobile industry. It is 5% of the amount already put into GM. It is less than 1.5% of the unspent TARP funds. Finally the $4 Billion is 2 hundredths of 1% of the $19 Trillion that has been spent or committed to the Bailout (Newsweek 9/26/09).
It is for these reasons that we ask that your organization join with us to attempt to take these “shovel Ready” jobs and put Americans to work, today. What we ask is “why is it OK for our Government to dispose of these assets without Taxpayer acquiescence?” If there was a referendum today, how would Americans vote to use the asset that they own?
Thank you for your interest;
Ben Holcomb, Executive Director
Monday, September 28, 2009

We had a great day yesterday. It was the 4th highest day for hits to our site and in the 24 hours since my challenge to increase petition signatures we went up 10% in signatures. Great work!
Yesterday, as promised I posted the bio's on each person helping with Hopefully this will quell some concerns that many of the forum bloggers and others have had.
As with every day....Thanks to everyone for supporting
Sunday, September 27, 2009

A very exciting week is ahead for
Many have asked who is behind our site and who will be on board as we progress. Today, I will post Chief Pontiac's background and provide some information about the potential participants with our Organization.
Unfortunately we are are unable to provide names of our future appointees but I believe that each of our readers and members will get a little better feel for our determination and the participants credentials that will make us a success.
For those that have asked several times if we are a scam please review our adviser list. In addition, we indicated that will approach and Andrew Brietbart's Big Government site. These are the last people anyone would want to examine a business if you are a scam. It would be like accepting a surprise interview from Mike Wallace of 60 minutes.
Everyone have a great Sunday and please support
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A little while ago I sent out a news email to our members. In that mail I outlined our plans for this week to lift our national profile. While our small but stout volunteer staff at can do a great deal with this effort, we are highly reliant on our members and supporters to help with this effort. In that regard, I again, this morning, want to recognize for the top of site posting that they have provided to us!!!
In addtion to an update, I asked our members to see if they could push our petition signatures over 1,000 by next Saturday. This is a worthy challenge and WE can do it. If everybody that visits our site or signs our petition tells six friends we will easily exceed 1,000 by next Weekend.
Thanks again to all. I hope your Saturday is a great one. Tomorrow!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
We are now on over 65 referencable and searchable locations on the web. The word is traveling fast. Yesterday we could be found on a model car site and a Cadillac discussion site.
We are on the Business week forums and the Newsweek forums. The speed with which is spreading is really a great thing. We have all who visit here, all who have joined and those that have signed our petition to thank for this great success.
Motortopia, and Motor Trend have been two very helpful sites/publications we offer our special thanks to both.
Have a great Friday and Please tell all your friends to visit and particiate with
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Yet another website picked us up today that is all about the Ricaro edition...go here:
Each site that features furthers our reach and introduces additional people to our shared dream of saving Pontiac!!
As these sites join the effort, we endeavor to feature them all on our daily blog. Many thanks to Gus Tziavelis for including on his site. Everyone have a great Thursday!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Our Membership has Tripled since last Thursday and our Petition will top 250 today. Our sight hits will top 3,000 in the last 5 days. This is huge and we have been on the net for a total of 14 days today!!
Thanks to everybody and I hope you have a great Wednesday!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It is because of all of you that we are seeing great success with Saturday was our best day yet as our website hits more than doubled. We have two news stations looking at our story and one TV network. Our twitter followers include Motor Trend, Chris Wallace, and a variety of Knight Rider followers. Petition signatures more than doubled over the weekend and several more sites have listed our cause.
Amazingly we have also received requests for employment at the new Pontiac and several offers to affiliate with other sites and Companies. Truly exciting and WE THANK YOU!
Our relentless pursuit of Pontiac excitement continues to build rapidly. The word is moving throughout the Internet and beyond. If you have not sent letters to your elected representatives, Please, Please, Please do that today.
To each of our supporters, Have a great Tuesday!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our staff has literally spent hours pouring over the extraordinary collection of photographs. As Sean allows use of these photographs we have also included several in our facebook postings, our website and in this blog (see the Britney picture from yesterday).
We recomend this site to everyone who has an interest in GTO's or Pontiacs, it is a great way to spend a couple of hours lusting after these wonderful automobiles. Thank you Sean for the site and for joining with us to save Pontiac, and put Americans back to work!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Off and Running

We were busy and successful. we had an article published in the LA Times. We had an endorsement from Motor Trend in Tweeter. Our petition has crossed 100 signers. And the Dallas Area Pontiac Association says "We commend you for your efforts with the web site."
All in all a Great week.....My thanks to everyone. In a surprise, we have have even had people dreaming of working for a New Pontiac. One Automobile engineer from Pennsylvania told us he is very optimistic about our efforts and would be interested in coming to work for the Company if we are successful. What a great endorsement.
This is all good stuff....we need to keep the momentum going. All ideas and thoughts are welcome and will be used. Please post to the auto forums about saving Pontiac....and talk with friends and neighbors. Your support is critical!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Calling Congress
Yesterday, in the midst of health care debate, striking out the word liar, and other very important matters a couple of legislators have seen the value of Saving Pontiac and have requested more information.
Frankly they understand the proposition that we have dormant assets with which we can forge jobs (20K to 50K) by merely keeping Pontiac alive. They agree that America needs a success story. They agree that America needs an underdog to support and of course, AMERICA Needs Jobs.
Where do we stand? is building momentum. We are gaining followers daily and we are forging ahead with our mission in mind. We know and we hope our members understand that this will take a little time. Is it worth it? Yes! Saving Pontiac and creating jobs is worth the effort. Thank you for your support....We will BUILD EXCITEMENT!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Today is Congress Day
Today, we will begin the effort of contacting every member of Congress. Our petition continues to grow and statistics say that for every signee, there are at least 7 more friends that did not sign but are behind the proposition.
We continue to see great brand loyalty throughout the Pontiac community. It only confirms what we believed when we started! Pontiacs for the enthusiast make a lot of sense. As we do every day....we thank our members and supporters for signing up, contributing, contacting their representatives, and signing our petition.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Interesting Comments From Car Forums

About GM I would only say that it is true that the Taxpayers of the United States currently own 61% of General Motors. That means we are the majority owners of the brands, the plants, the inventory...everything. There seemed to be some confusion about that.
Secondly, to the Naysayers, I would only remind them of the Fred Smith Story (founder of FedEx). He wrote a thesis in college about the concept of express mail delivery. He was told be his business school teacher that the idea was ridiculous and would never work. Please remember that story just in case something might just work out. Similarly; the Kennedy moon program, IBM and the rise of Microsoft; Ioccoa and saving Chrysler....what couldn't happen did. Think about it.
Have a great day and please visit!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Interesting Day Yesterday

We can never say thank you adequately for the support we have been shown by the Pontiac guys and gals. Keep this up and we may save Pontiac from the trash heap; for real!!
This photo came to us through facebook and is IMHO, a great photo....another perfect example of why saving Pontiac is important.
We have several feedback thoughts that suggested is a scam....Please see the "About" Page for our statement on ownership and IRS status.
JOIN; write Congress; Sign the petition; Contribute.....thanks!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
This week

Good morning to all....This is an exciting week. will go national with a launch this week....we have our fingers crossed! The response we have received so far is incredibly positive. On one forum alone, in three days, we are over 1,000 comments and the vast majority are positive....Many thanks to everyone who takes the time to be encouraging.
Over the weekend we attended a local car show that was that had some great show cars. The SE GTO club was a sponsor. There members are signing up now with our cause. We saw several great 60's era GTO's in near perfect condition. Our second week is looking like a winner; I will, of course, keep you updated.
Have a great week!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Great day yesterday
Our limited marketing, so far, has generated quite a buzz on the forums which translates into website hits and so forth. our thanks to everyone for responding to this great cause to save American jobs for Americans. This is the time to build on the efforts of the the Washington protesters to remind our Government that they are there for us; not for them!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Must watch Pontiac video
Do not miss 8:50 until the end....courtesy of our member Jeff Nevins
Unemployment? Help us help you!
American Jobs Now!
We really need your help to make these jobs real! Sign the petition....join our website.....write your representative.....make a donation, if you are able. Thanks to everyone for their support!