Whether it was 1776, 1787, 12/7/1941, or most recently 9/11/2001 America pulled together as a team. We were destined to defeat a common enemy and problem that only was achieved through working together.
With all partisanship aside, there seem to be too many teams to count. And, what game they are trying to win. Right now the citizens of our Country seem to be saying we should focus on the economy and jobs. Our administration seems to be focused on everything else. Healthcare, Immigration, Financial reform, and Education all need focus but they do not seem to be where the electorate wants to focus. It will take determination and laser like resolve by everyone in this country to fix the economy and the jobs problems. Most importantly is how and with whom we spend our money.
Consider three recent examples of the mindset that exists and must change:
- Gm has elected to send somewhere between $2.6 billion and $3 Billion of taxpayer money to Europe for Opal's recovery and Cadillac marketing. This is taxpayer money that we need to spend in the US to help our economy!
- In February Diane Sawyer reported that: Nearly $2 billion in money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has been spent on wind power, funding the creation of enough new wind farms to power 2.4 million homes over the past year. But the study found that nearly 80 percent of that money has gone to foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.
- Yesterday it was reported that: Hillary Rodham Clinton's State Department is spending $5.4 million to buy fine crystal stemware for American embassies -- but it won't give the US economy much of a boost. (The contract went to a Swedish Company)
Where is the dedication to spending to support America? Where is the outrage of the Unions and Government officials? If we cannot expect our Government to spend to support our American economy and the jobs in America, where do we turn? In 1941 did we ask anyone other than Americans to build tanks and aircraft carriers? After 9/11, did we ask other countries to implement The Patriot Act or repair the damage on the hallowed ground in NYC?
Let's get back to the business of America, using the American team that has pulled us through so much in the past. The economy and jobs need the team work of everyone; not just some of us. Join with us at www.savinpontiac.org and sign our petition to save 60,000 American jobs.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!